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Why Self-Mastery Is The Answer To Everything

Apr 07, 2023


Before we dive in: MasteryOS is open for enrollment. There are limited spaces. If you want to achieve Self-Mastery, unlock your true potential, and smash every goal you set, click here. 

Anyway, let’s get right into it, sit back and enjoy.

Why Self-Mastery is the Answer to Everything


I’ve always been interested in self-improvement.

The idea of constantly making progress, aiming to improve each and every area of my life always compelled me, it fascinated me.

But, I always had 1 main problem with self-improvement - it didn’t have any answers.

The constant pursuit of improvement, of furthering my ability to lift heavier weights, be more confident, talk better, love more, and make money - there seemed to be no end or reason.

I kept running into problems to which I had no answers.

It wasn’t until I realised the answer was right in front of my face (and it’s likely right in front of yours as well)

It’s something we’re all chasing, yet will never accomplish unless we dedicate conscious thought and action to its achievement.

The answer to everything - Every problem. Every worry. Every doubt. Everything. Is Self-Mastery.


Self-Mastery always seems daunting when you first hear it. It can sound vague and general, it leads to constant questions like “How do you master yourself?” Or “What is Self-Mastery”.

Much like achieving Self-Mastery, you will never discover what it is unless you dedicate conscious thought and action to its discovery - luckily for you, I’ve already been there and done that.

Self-Mastery is simply *drum-roll*

Mastering your mind (I told you it was simple)


The next question which always arises after the discovery of what Self-Mastery is, is always “how the f*ck is it the answer to everything” - well, let me explain.

First, you need to understand what life is, or more specifically, what your life is.

Your life is a result of 2 things.


  1. Your thoughts

And your thoughts are a result of your mind. They dictate how you perceive the world, the limiting mindsets and beliefs you have, the opportunities that are out there and that are available to YOU.

When your thoughts are out of control, anxiety spikes, the world is narrowed and perceptions are limiting, opportunities are few and none are for you. But when you’ve mastered your mind and you are the boss of the inner monologue that’s constantly bombarding your reality, anxiety dies. The world becomes open and perceptions allow for limitless opportunities - and all of them are for you.


  1. Your actions

Your actions (especially the actions you perform regularly, ie. your habits) are a result of your mind and are the sole driver of the ship that gets you to your destination (your goals). 

When your actions aren’t conscious or aligned with what you want in life, you don’t make progress. You either don’t put in the work or you spin your wheels in circles and you burn out. You put in the work without the results and you fry your dopamine, adrenaline and endorphin systems. You stay stuck (and likely regressing in a relative sense, since the rest of the world is always moving forward)

But when you master your actions, every action you take is aligned with the vision you have for your future. You don’t waste time doing things that hold you back or result in no progress. You put in the work and you get the reward. You make progress. You achieve your goals. And you can do so whilst living your life in seasons (like most successful people do) - seasons of push, push rest. Push, push, rest.


So life is a result of your thoughts and your actions.

When you chase Self-Mastery, you’re chasing mastery of your thoughts and actions (or your mind if you want to combine them into 1 term), but how is this the answer?


Well, you see, any problem you have (and I mean any) can only be solved by following 4 steps.


  1. Understanding if it’s in your control

If the problem isn’t something that’s in your control, you can’t solve it. This leaves you with 2 options. Either you let your mind get out of control, thoughts go wild and you get anxious or you chase Self-Mastery, understand that if you can’t control it, you can’t solve it and hence, there’s no point wasting either time or energy trying to solve it or worrying about it.

Just move on.


  1. You must accept responsibility

If something is in your control, you can then only solve it if you accept responsibility, if you accept that, “okay, this mightn’t be my fault, but it’s up to me fix it”.

However, if you don’t accept responsibility, how can you solve it? It’s not yours to solve? Accepting responsibility is a crucial step in what I like to call “Mastering your life”.

Accept responsibility.

“But there are also problems we aren’t at fault for, yet we are still responsible for them.

For example, if you woke up one day and there was a newborn baby on your doorstep, it would not be your fault that baby was put there, but the baby would now be your responsibility.”

Mark Manson

Above is a fantastic quote by Mark Manson distinguishing between fault and responsibility.


  1. View the problem as solvable

So, the problem is in your control, it’s your responsibility. Now you need to know and believe that it can be solved. If you aren’t in control of your mind, you won’t view a problem as solvable, you’ll view it as a fixed state in time and yourself as lacking control. 

When you master your mind, you can view any problem as solvable.


  1. Take action

It doesn’t matter how much you believe a problem is solvable, if you don’t try to solve it, you won’t fix it.

Master your mind, take action toward the problem, and SOLVE IT.


You see, if you haven’t mastered your mind you’ll struggle with these 4 steps.

You’ll find it challenging to control your thoughts enough to understand if it’s in your control or not, to accept responsibility, view the problem as solvable, and then take action.


But when you’re chasing Self-Mastery - you’re in control of your mind. You’re capable of controlling your thoughts and actions and performing all 4 steps.

Inevitably, this has got you asking “But Ross, how on earth do I achieve Self-Mastery?” 


Well, to be honest, there’s a lot that goes into it. But I can explain it rather concisely. To achieve Self-Mastery, you’ve just got to;


  • Go through daily challenge

You need to show your mind who the f*ck is boss every damn day.

This daily challenge is doing anything you don’t want to do. From deep work, to hitting the gym, to an ice bath, to running (recently started running. I never want to do it. I do it anyway. F*ck the inner bitch)


  • Apply conscious thought

At the start of your journey toward Self-Mastery, you can’t let your subconscious take over. It wants comfort and the path of least resistance. That sh*t doesn’t work for mastering your mind. 


  • Mindset rewiring

You need to rewire your mindset, remove limiting beliefs, and build an iron mind.


  • Master all areas of life

Yes, certain areas will need more focus than others. But you can’t let, for example, your training slide down the hill as you climb the mountain of business.

At the very least, whilst you focus on one area, you need to give conscious thought to maintaining the other areas.


If you want more help with achieving Self-Mastery so that you can take back control over your life and master your mind, life, and business (and get access to a group of high achieving entrepreneurs on the same path as you) MasteryOS is open for enrollment. There are limited spaces. If you want to get out of your own way, master your mind and accomplish every goal you set, click here.



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