How To Unlock Your Creativity
Sep 08, 2023
I’ve always been interested in creativity.
From making toy guns as a child, to DIY woodworking, to writing on the internet, to photography, and recently, videography.
I’ve always liked and wanted to create.
It’s always been a part of me.
And it is for everyone, the problem is that it often gets beat out of us as we grow up and we stop creating.
Even when I was in high school, I stopped creating.
But once I left, after a few years I stumbled across Twitter and I started writing online.
Fast forward to now and this simple act of creating has allowed me to build a business based around my interests that I can run from anywhere in the world in 2-4 hours a day.
Most people lack competency in being creative.
It’s not that they don’t have the ability, everyone does, it’s that they’re not good at it.
And because they’re not good at it, they don’t do it.
It seems logical.
But the negative ripple says otherwise.
When you stop creating, you end up living an unfulfilled life.
We are born to create, to give to the world, and express ourselves in a unique way that only we know how.
But this lack of creativity also causes people who do create online to end up in a repeat cycle of nothing but regurgitating the same ideas they see everywhere, never revealing themselves or their ideas, forever blending in and never standing out.
Which ultimately leads to them never growing their audience or business, hence they double down on working and their life becomes working rather than their creating being their life.
Which means they never have the time or energy necessary to consume high-quality ideas, challenge and stretch the mind, and give themselves space to think, hence they can’t be creative, hence they have no unique ideas, hence the cycle repeats.
And I hear you already.
You’re screaming “But Ross, I’m not creative”
Yes, motherfucker you are.
We all are.
Creativity just arises in different ways for different people - music, photos, drawing, painting, writing, problem-solving.
No matter who you are, you are creative and have been born to create, to add to the universe.
And just because you’re creating, doesn’t mean you have to be an online creator.
That’s okay, not everyone should be.
Some people are more afraid of revealing their work than they are excited, that’s fine.
Just create. Never publish.
If the day comes where you want to, then you can.
But until then, just create.
It’s a much more fulfilling way to live.
You need to give a raw authentic piece of yourself to the universe, it’s what it’s asking for.
If you hide what it wants from it, it will hide what you want from you.
And if you are already a creator, leaning into you and your authentic self is a much more fulfilling way to create.
It allows you to stand out and build a true relationship with your audience, it allows you to grow an audience and business that you can craft around a life you love.
Unlocking Your Creativity
So how do you do it? How can you start being creative?
Well everyone will have their own small ways of being creative, but in general, this is a great guideline and framework to follow that will work for everyone.
Feel free to add any of your own techniques to this process:
Consume high-quality content and follow your curiosities
What are you interested in?
Whatever it is, learn about it, follow it.
But don’t just watch and consume mindless crap, make sure what you consume is high quality.
Books, podcasts, high-quality youtube videos, or even high-quality tweets.
Just keep following your interests, going wherever you feel compelled.
Build a project
Again, you don’t have to release this if you don’t want to, but I recommend you do.
Either way, build something around what you’re learning.
Whether it’s content, art, music, video, anything.
Whatever you feel compelled to try or to create, do it.
Don’t worry about being good, just create, you’ll improve with time.
Challenge and stretch your mind daily
This is a crucial part of creativity a lot of people skip.
You need to do something every day that challenges you.
Work out. Run. Take an ice bath. Do deep focused work.
Whatever it is, just push your mind to its limits, force yourself to go deep into your depths, and pull out everything you have to get it done.
Challenge and stretch your mind.
Give it time and space to think
Walk, meditate, and sit in silence.
This means no phones, no screens, and as little noise and distraction as possible.
Your mind is constantly bombarded with never-ending data throughout the day - give it space to breathe and think.
Note down ideas
Throughout your day, following this process and in your time to think, consciously look for ideas.
You see, ideas are nothing but a perception of how you’re viewing the world and what’s happening based on your experiences and beliefs. You’re already getting 1000s of ideas each day, they just go past you unnoticed.
So look for them and you’ll get ideas.
And also, you’ll never remember them, so write them down.
Ideas are fleeting, you have but a minute to catch them.
And funnily, the best ideas give you the least time to catch them.
Integrate them into your project
How do the ideas you’re capturing relate to your project?
Integrate them in whatever way you can.
Not all ideas will fit, that’s fine.
Leave them.
Focus on what clicks.
And that my friend, is how you unlock your creativity.
If you feel resistance at any stage - good, that’s a sign you’re on the right track.
Lean into it.
- Ross.
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