Will you pay the price of greatness?
Jun 23, 2023
Before we dive in: MasteryOS is open for enrollment. There are limited spaces. If you want to achieve Self-Mastery, unlock your true potential, and smash every goal you set, click here.
I’ve been building my brand and business online for 3 years now.
It hasn’t always been smooth sailing, but the thought of quitting has never entered my mind.
Even when I didn’t see any progress for the first year.
Even when everyone I knew was judging me.
Telling me it wouldn’t work, that it wouldn’t last, that I’m wasting my time.
Quitting was never an option.
No matter how much I was misunderstood.
Of course, 3 years later I’ve proved them all wrong.
But if I didn’t expect AND accept that I would be misunderstood the criticism and judgment would’ve gotten to me.
It would’ve annoyed me, demotivated me and I likely would’ve quit.
If you’re trying to build something great (whether that’s a business, a brand, or even yourself), you need to understand that when you try to explain your goals to normal people with normal visions, you will be misunderstood.
They won’t understand your drive, your ambition, or your mission.
And they will criticise and judge you. Often out of what they believe to be your best interest, with no bad intentions
You will struggle to find like-minded, mission-driven people and you will feel lost and you will feel alone.
But this phase isn’t forever.
This phase is just at the beginning.
Great Attracts Great
Like I said, at the start you will struggle to find like-minded people on your journey to greatness.
And that’s because great attracts great.
If you want friends or a network destined for greatness, you must first become great.
Which isn’t easy.
If it was, everyone would be great, and being great would no longer be “great”
Chasing greatness is a lonely path at the start.
It requires you to strip everything back to just you.
Locking yourself away, working on yourself and whatever you’re building until you have sculpted something worth revealing to the world.
At which point you can go out there, release your work, your story, your journey and you will find those like-minded people driven for more.
It’s a price that most people aren’t willing to pay.
They aren’t willing to be misunderstood by normal people.
You will try to convince them and persuade them. You will try to help them understand.
Accept it and expect it.
You are on a different path, a path that has a price.
That price has 2 payments:
Understanding you will be misunderstood
Wholeheartedly believing you will build something great
If you don’t believe you can build something great - you won’t.
You need complete and utter, almost delusional self-belief.
There needs to be something inside of you that tells you you’re destined for more.
The Cost Is The Cure
“To be great is to be misunderstood”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The major problem here is that normal people will judge you and criticise you.
If you let it get to you, you will likely quit.
NPCs will brainwash you into believing it’s not worth it, it won’t work, it’s not for you.
But the cost is the cure.
When you accept and expect to be misunderstood you don’t let the criticism and judgment of normal people with normal visions get to you.
You understand that you’re on a different path.
You put yourself in a position to look out for and find like-minded people.
You’re less likely to quit.
You commit.
The Price Of Greatness
There’s a price you must pay to join the path of greatness.
To some the price will seem insane or crazy - that’s okay, the path of greatness isn’t for you.
But if the price doesn’t make you jump out of your skin - the path of greatness could be for you.
Understand “to be great is to be misunderstood”
This entire newsletter has been about this.
If you still don’t understand it or understand why it’s necessary, you need to.
So read this newsletter again. And again. And again.
As many times as you need to internalise it.
Be willing to make sacrifices
Remember, great attracts great.
So to find like-minded people you yourself must be great. Which requires you to strip everything back.
Remove toxic people. Remove bad habits. Set goals. Build good habits. Challenge yourself. Dedicate yourself to improvement.
Build yourself up from nothing and become great.
Focus on creating so much proof and evidence that what you’re doing works that normal people have no choice but believe in you.
This step isn’t so you can gain the approval of every normal person walking the street or every person who ever doubted you.
It’s so you can show your parents or those who truly matter to you.
Because it doesn’t matter if you’re 16 or 46, your parents matter. But they’ll likely be the first to try to stop you from building something great, as they’re solely trying to protect you and stop you from taking risks
Unfortunately, for those destined for greatness that isn’t an option.
So gather proof and evidence that what you’re doing works and show it to those who truly matter.
My friend, thank you for reading.
- Ross
REMINDER: MasteryOS is open for enrollment. There are limited spaces. If you want to achieve Self-Mastery, unlock your true potential, and smash every goal you set, click here.
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