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The Only Path For Self-Mastery (Removing The Shackles)

May 05, 2023

The Cap


It is an innate human desire to want to achieve, or at least chase, your potential - to achieve Self-Mastery.

However, the path is not clear or easy, even under the most optimal of circumstances, and yet most people don’t live their life in an optimal way to allow them to transcend to the next level of chasing their potential.


Most people live life as they’re told to live it.

  • Go to school

  • Get good grades

  • Go to university (maybe twice like I did haha)

  • Get a job

  • Find a partner

  • Have kids

  • Work till you have no energy to do anything with your free time


Now, I’m not saying that there is anything innately wrong with this way of living. 

But I am saying that if you want to achieve Self-Mastery, you must live a life optimal for its achievement - one that allows you freedom over your time, location, energy and resources.


This letter isn’t for everyone.

This letter is for the people whose worst fear is lying on their deathbed and seeing who they could’ve been. 

You see, the standard way of living (at least in the west) will limit your potential more than anything else.

From the addictions to cheap dopamine, to the drinking cultures, to the attitude around work.


With a “9-5”, you’re capped.

Your time is capped. Your resources (money) is capped. Your energy is capped. Your location is capped.

And to get more of any of these you have to cap another even further.

Want to work less? Expect to earn less money. 

Want to earn more money? Expect to work more hours.

On a societal level, working a job is a necessity.

On an individual level, working a job is a burden that limits your potential - You’re given set hours, set tasks and you don’t have the freedom to master yourself.


The Awakening


Employment is limited.

You can only climb the ladder so far and each area of your life necessary to achieve Self-Mastery is capped.

But what’s the alternative?


Entrepreneurship is a game that never ends. Your business can always be bigger and there are always different types of businesses to run.


Entrepreneurship allows you to work on what you want (by choosing a business aligned with your interests), when you want (by choosing your own hours) - giving you the time, location, energy, and resource freedom to achieve Self-Mastery and chase your potential.

Self-Mastery and entrepreneurship go together, hand-in-hand.



Your business success is dependent entirely on your level of Self-Mastery. 

A poor level of Self-Mastery creates poor control over your mind, leading to poor decisions, poor ideas, and poor consistency - all of which limit your entrepreneurial success.

A high level of Self-Mastery creates strong control over your mind, leading to good decisions, good ideas, and good consistency - all of which propel your entrepreneurial success.


In business, you are forced to improve and master yourself to the point that you can provide enough value that the market approves.

Every single successful entrepreneur to ever exist has achieved a certain level of Self-Mastery that is impossible to obtain through 99% of standard jobs.

They created a business aligned with their interests (a key part of achieving mastery of both self and craft) and threw themselves into a situation where there are only 2 choices:

  • Master yourself so that you can make good decisions, lead teams, execute and delegate

  • Fail

And as your passions and interests change, business allows you to pivot and transition. You’re not stuck.


Removing The Shackles


First, let’s clarify 2 things:

  • Jobs aren’t bad. They’re essential. However, 99.9999% of jobs limit your time, resources, energy and location - limiting both your life and your ability to achieve Self-Mastery

  • The transition from employee to entrepreneur is simple, but it’s not easy. It shouldn’t be rushed or half-assed.


Becoming an entrepreneur also has 1,000,000 different paths depending on the type of business you want to run, I will give you the path that every person on this planet that has internet access and an interest can follow.


Understand what a business is


A business is simply selling something to someone.

Hence, a business needs 2 things: something to sell and someone to sell it to.

In other words, you need an offer (something to sell) and traffic (someone to sell it to)

Again, depending on your business these can vary widely.


Build traffic


Traffic can be anything from paid ads to footfall to followers.

I highly recommend followers. Why?

  • It’s free, everyone can build an audience

  • You build relationships and connections with people

  • You can provide free value to 99% of people who follow you and sell only to those who want more guidance.

Now, I’ve a whole course on building and monetising your audience, impact, and income, but in short, to build your audience:

  • Choose a platform (Twitter, IG, YT etc)

  • Post daily content around your interest 

  • Learn about content creation, content strategy, and human psychology (to help improve your content)

  • Build a network with other creators and distribute your content

  • Repeat for 2+ years (you’ll get results faster than 2 years, but this is a long game and you need to be committed to it)

  • Model (don’t copy) those who you aspire to be like/content you like

Again, there’s more to it than that, but all you need to start are those 6 steps. You can then take action on those 6 steps and learn the rest along the way.


Build your offer


An offer is simple. It’s what you sell.

It should be focused on how you help someone achieve x goal or prevent y pain point. For the path I’m recommending, what you help someone do is preferably something you’ve done yourself.

I highly recommend reading $100M Offers by Alex Hormozi to help craft a good offer (a good offer can be the major difference between someone buying or not)


Build your audience + launch your offer


Now you’ve just got to keep growing your traffic (audience) and letting them know you’ve something to sell (otherwise, how can they buy?)


Get testimonials + up prices


When starting out, if you’ve got no testimonials you’ve got 2 paths:

  • Free work

  • Cheap work

You need social proof (testimonials) for people to trust that you know what you’re doing and to inspire confidence.

Sure, you can charge high prices and get testimonials, but it will take much longer as people need more trust (results and testimonials) to pay higher prices.

You can also get testimonials through the network you’ve built whilst growing your audience.

Once you’ve got some of that tasty social proof, up your prices.

Of course, what you charge really depends on what you’re selling (eg. A course will be cheaper than coaching) and the transformation you’re promising (by helping them achieve x or prevent y)




Keep growing your audience, keep growing your income.




Once you’re starting to earn money from your business, you need to decide whether to leave your job and remove the shackles or not.

Likely, if you’ve got to this point, this is a no-brainer and you’ll want to stop capping your chances of achieving Self-Mastery.

However, this isn’t a decision you can make lightly. I would recommend that before you leave your job, you have:

  • 6+ months of an emergency fund

  • You’re earning as much from your business as your job


Chase your potential


You’ve left your job.

You’ve got much more free time.

You can now split this newfound time between running your business and chasing Self-Mastery.




Look, don’t get me wrong - those 8 steps are massively simplified steps.

I could make multiple newsletters on each step.

But one of the keys to progress is starting, implementing what you have, and learning the rest along the way.

This process isn’t easy. Running a business isn’t easy. But it’s worth it for those who want to live life on their terms and reach their potential.

So, if that’s you - start.

Take action. Learn from those who have done what you want to do. Commit to the long game and win.

This is the only path that allows you to control your time, energy, resources, and location so that you can dedicate your life to achieving your potential.

It’s also a path that anyone can go down.

If you’ve got an internet connection and an interest, you can create content around your interest, build an audience, remove the shackles, and chase Self-Mastery.

- Ross

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The Self-Mastery Letter:

Unlock Your True Potential, Achieve Peak Performance, And SmashĀ Your GoalsĀ With Self-Mastery.


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