The power of long term thinking (in a world playing short term games)
Sep 19, 2023
Before we dive in: I’ve just opened MasteryOS for enrollment. If you’ve wanted in before but missed the previous cohorts, click here to get access whilst it’s open.
“So how long have you been doing this whole online thing for?”
“Over 3 years now”
“3 years?! That’s crazy. Did you start seeing results straight away?”
“No. In all honesty, it took me about 2 years to see any real results”
Their face drops. They’re shocked.
But I’m used to it.
I have a conversation along these lines on a weekly basis.
I hear things like;
“I would’ve quit” or
“If I don’t get results in 2 weeks, I’m done” or
“How could you keep doing it for so long?” every single week.
To the majority of people, the idea of doing something every single day for the next month, never mind 3 years, never mind 3 years but with no results for the first 2, is insane.
They want everything now.
They want results now. Success now. Followers now. Experience now. Skills now.
The world is full of people playing short term games.
They start creating content, only to realise it isn’t as easy as it seems.
That it’s going to take longer than they thought.
And they quit.
I’ve been creating for over 3 years and every damn day I see accounts vanish.
They stop posting.
Dropping into the abyss to never be seen again.
All because the world is designed to be a long term game, yet they’re playing their own short term game.
A game that gets you nowhere - regardless of what field you’re in.
If you look at 1 aspect of success, learning the necessary skills, it takes time. You can’t rush building them.
Take a creator business, here are the skills you need to learn to grow your audience, make an impact and make money;
Writing (specifically for content, writing that grabs attention, holds attention and delivers value)
Basic design
Offer creation
Web design
And there are likely more, these are what came to me off the top of my head.
Try and tell me how you can become proficient at ALL of them in less than 2 years?
It’s practically impossible.
You simply cannot rush building the skills necessary to succeed, no matter what you’re trying to succeed at.
When you’re playing short term games, 2 years is too long to spend building the necessary skills.
When you’re playing long term games, thinking in decades, 2 years is nothing.
You understand the compounding that will occur due to knowledge exposure, practice, skill expansion, skill stacking and time.
Your creator business (or frankly any venture you pursue) should be treated like it’s your life’s work.
In fact, if you’re building a creator business, it is your life’s work.
It is a distillation of your entire being.
Your knowledge, beliefs, opinions, experiences, skills, failures, lessons, wins, pains, joy, everything.
Your brand is you.
You’re in this life for the long run, so be willing to dedicate it to something worthwhile.
The world is full of people thinking short-term in a world full of long-term games.
It ain't hard to win if you think in decades.
Enjoy your day and play the long game.
- Ross.
Reminder: I’ve just opened MasteryOS for enrollment. If you’ve wanted in before but missed the previous cohorts, click here to get access whilst it’s open.
PS: I’d love to know what you thought of this newsletter, feel free to click reply and let me know!
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