How To Stay Motivated (Relighting The Flame)
Apr 28, 2023

“To the unrelenting voice in my head that will never allow me to stop”
- David Goggins
2 months ago I had the opportunity to meet David Goggins.

Goggins embodies every single principle of Self-Mastery. Goggins is one of the hardest motherfuckers on this planet.
For those who don’t know him, David used to spray for cockroaches, be 300lbs and not be able to read or write.
Now, he’s a retired Navy Seal, world record holder, and a runner of 240-mile races with 2 best-selling books.
For me, that’s the best part. Not his achievements (as great and as insane as they are), but the transformation.
Goggins went from someone with no hope for life, no discipline, and far down the pecking order in every area to someone with the world at his fingertips and world-renowned discipline.
Well, inside us all, we have a flame.
This flame is a voice that tells us that we’re destined for more, destined for greatness.
Most people put this flame out. They dampen it and society tramples all over it.
But there’s always something left smoldering deep, deep down inside you. There’s a spark, there’s ashes, there’s something.
Goggins latched onto this spark of what was left of his flame. He heard a whisper, felt warmth and he gave it fuel.
He leaned into this flame, and lit it up, creating a bonfire so big the world would know his name.
I used to believe this voice was bad. That nobody should want to be better than everyone else, that I shouldn’t try to aim for more.
So I spent the first 20 years of my life, listening to society.
Letting them trample all over the fire that should have been roaring inside of me.
I lived a mediocre, unfulfilling life.
Great vs Mediocre

Some people, like Goggins, like Jordan, like Ronaldo, listen to the voice. They give it fuel and achieve greatness.
Most people dampen it and do everything they can to put it out and live a life of mediocrity.
They end up with no confidence in themselves or their ability. No hope for the future.
They search for external sources of motivation and wonder why nothing lasts
“You can motivate by fear, and you can motivate by reward. But both those methods are only temporary. The only lasting thing is self-motivation.”
- Homer Rice
And it’s not their fault. Society has been bombarding you with subliminal programming that tells you the voice is wrong. That you don’t have the voice. That the voice is bad, you shouldn’t listen to it.
Now, I don’t want to get too conspiratorial, so we’ll not go deep into the society aspect, but to summarise;
Society wants you weak and controllable.
And the best way to do that?
Convince you that the voice inside your head that tells you that you’re destined for more is wrong. Or that it doesn’t exist.
But it’s this voice that drives the world forward.
It’s this voice that creates the greats of art, science, technology, business, and every other realm of human endeavour.
You need to understand, this flame inside you isn’t bad.
This flame inside you wants you to be great, yes. But it doesn’t want others to fall for you to rise.
You likely have some limiting beliefs popping into your head right now
“I don’t have this flame”
“The voice is bad”
“If others are winning, I need to be losing”
This is all societal programming. You have this flame, we all do.
The flame isn’t bad, it’s what drives the world to improve. The world is full of success in every field, if someone else is winning, that’s proof you can win as well.
Once I started giving fuel to the flame, by doing hard things I didn’t want to do, following curiosities, building projects, and stacking wins, the flame turned to a fire.
It motivated me. It challenged me to aim bigger, think bigger, and do more.
It gave me what I needed to take the right actions to get to where I am today, and to where I want to go.
Relighting The Flame

Depending on where you are on your journey of Self-Mastery, you might have a spark, a flame, or a fire inside you.
Regardless, you must turn any sign of heat inside you into a bonfire.
If you want to achieve Self-Mastery so that you can achieve great things (on a personal level or on a global level) this process of relighting the flame is a necessity.
How do you relight the flame?
Do Hard Things
When the flame is dying, your mind wants you to take the path of least resistance, it wants you to take the easy route.
Doing hard things that you don’t want to do - ice baths, working out, reading, deep work etc - helps add fuel to the fire (by stacking each thing you do as a small win) and will condition your brain to take the route of delayed gratification.
Chase Curiosities + Passions
Find mentors in areas you’re passionate about and model them.
These can be free mentors from the likes of Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram or paid through coaching and courses.
Building your knowledge base in an area of life that interests you, will boost your dopamine massively and add fuel to the fire.
Build Out A Project
Build a business, create content, launch a product, paint.
Whatever you’re chasing in step 2, build out a project related to it.
This way you can take your learnings and apply them to real-world situations, connect dots, make progress, boost dopamine, and add fuel to the fire.
Stack Small Wins
Everything you’re doing so far:
Doing hard things
Chasing curiosities + passions
Building out a project
Will allow you to stack small wins on a daily basis. It allows you to see what you’re capable of - both now and with time.
With each win you stack, you’re adding gasoline to the fire.
Find Your Purpose
Now, this step is a long one.
This won’t happen overnight. It’s a case of trial and error.
You follow the first 4 steps and then you do more of what you like and less of what you don’t like.
Over time, your purpose will be revealed to you and your roaring fire turns into a bonfire that drives you more than anything you could ever imagine.
The Flame Never Dies
I want to let you know that no matter where you are in life, no matter how low you feel, how bad you feel, how many times you’ve fucked up, where you were born and raised, this flame is inside you.
This flame never goes out, it might be a spark, it might be an ember, but it’s always there.
Waiting for you to give it fuel.
Waiting for you to realise your potential, chase Self-Mastery and rise up from the ashes.
This flame is inside you.
And when the flame is there, so is hope.
But it’s up to you to take action. It’s up to you to take responsibility and unlock this inner greatness that’s festering inside of you begging to be released to the world.
Do it.
- Ross
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