Not Working Out Is Ruining Your Success
Jul 07, 2023
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If there’s one thing you need to understand about business it’s that you are the sole bottleneck.
If you don’t have enough clients or customers it’s not because of the market
It’s because you’re lacking skills in marketing, sales, or some other area.
If your business is losing money and isn’t profitable it’s not because of the interest rates.
It’s because you’re unable to manage your finances, understand offers and act accordingly.
If your business isn’t where you want it to be - it’s because of you.
Often it’s because you lack a level of mental clarity necessary.
Most people feed themselves junk food.
Your body has to digest this crap and absorb the nutrients. Which takes tonnes of energy and floods your system with toxins.
Most people also never work out.
They never relax their nervous system through the cocktail of feel-good neurotransmitters - endorphins and anandamide etc.
Combine both of these factors and what do you get?
A person who is in terrible shape, with terrible biological chemistry and mental clarity.
Thanks to their body trying so hard to deal with the crap in their system they can’t dedicate the necessary energy required to think straight, make good decisions, and take the appropriate actions.
Yet this person - with clouded judgments, perceptions, decisions, and actions - is trying to succeed in business?
Surely you can see how this just isn’t going to work?
Being Out Of Shape Is Ruining Your Life
So let’s break this down.
If you feed your body full of crap and don’t workout you end up with poor mental clarity.
This leads to poor judgment and perceptions, leading to poor decisions and actions.
Creating poor business results which can spiral into poor self-esteem and lack of self-respect.
Oh wait!
They’re already negatives of not being in shape.
So not only is being out of shape ruining your business success, it’s ruining your life.
Poor self-respect, low self-esteem, low confidence, poor health.
Is it worth eating like crap and never challenging your body if it’s going to ruin every aspect of your life?
Are you that willing to give in to cheap pleasure?
Are you that unable to control your inner bitch?
The Door To Self-Mastery
The door to both the self-improvement and Self-Mastery world is the gym.
There is no better habit to teach you the benefits of hard work, discipline, and delayed gratification as well as help you master both your mind and your actions (2 key components of Self-Mastery).
All of which transfers over into improving your business and every area of your life.
I’ve been working out since I was 17.
For the first 4 years, I competed in Olympic Weightlifting.
I won a British Weightlifting Championship, a few Northern Irish Championships and held a few records.
And for the last year, I’ve switched more to bodybuilding style training.
I’ve always had the benefit of being in good shape and most importantly, the mental clarity that comes with it.
When you fuel your body with high-quality food and workout, you reach a new level of mental clarity.
You make better decisions, you take better actions and you end up running your business better, making more money with less work.
Combine that with the other benefits of being in shape
Good health
Energy levels
Motivation & drive
Respect from others
All of these will improve your confidence in making decisions, your productivity, networking, and every other area which could translate over to business.
And the best part is that you don’t need to go to the gym for 2 hours a day 7 days a week.
If you’re a natural lifter (ie not on steroids), you’ll find your best results training between 3 and 5 days/week.
And if you’re new to the gym, you could train for 45 minutes 3 days a week and see crazy results.
The other thing to consider is that a large % comes down to nutrition.
You’re already eating food and cooking.
You just need to make better choices. Prioritising meat and protein, minimising sugars, and drinking more water.
It takes no extra time - just conscious thought,
You also don’t need to have a tonne of money.
You can do everything at a low cost if you need to.
Train at home, budget gyms for $20 / month, walks, water is free/cheap, bulk buy and freeze good nutritious food.
If eating right and working out is important to you, you’ll figure out how you can do it in your situation.
How To Get Yolked
So by now you’re convinced that if you want to succeed in business, you need to start pumping iron.
But how can you start? I’m going to give you the basics.
If you’ve any questions about any of these feel free to do more research.
Set A Goal
What do you want to do? Lose fat? Build Muscle? Be Healthier?
Decide what it is and then view everything else through that lens.
Understand Calories
Calories are what your body uses for fuel, you get them from food and most drinks.
Everybody has a certain number of calories that they burn every single day.
If you consume (through food and drink) this number of calories you will stay the same weight.
If you want to lose weight, you need to consume less calories than that number.
If you want to gain weight, you need to consume more calories than that number.
Understand Nutrition
When it comes to nutrition you have 2 areas:
Macronutrients are protein, carbs, and fats. You will get these through your food and drink and they make up your calories.
If you eat fewer carbs (eg. keto), you are reducing the number of calories you consume by reducing the carbs you eat.
Protein and fat are essential macronutrients, you need both of these to survive.
Carbs you don’t need to survive. That doesn’t mean they’re bad for you. It just means they’re not essential.
For optimal recovery, you need to be consuming 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight.
Micronutrients are your vitamins and minerals.
You likely aren’t getting enough of all the necessary ones.
I recommend a good multivitamin, electrolytes, and a vitamin D capsule for most people.
Understand Training Principles
When you’re in the gym, pumping that iron, you need to keep in mind a few principles for long-term success:
Train every muscle group at least 1 time per week (especially legs)
Progressively overload each week (do more reps or lift more weight - it’s the only way to make progress)
Focus on compound lifts (these are lifts that use multiple muscles and joints. Squats, bench press, deadlift, military press, pull ups, rows etc)
Train hard (you need to train hard to elicit enough stimulus for growth. This means training to failure or 1-2 reps away from failure)
Train hard, recover harder (if you’re not on steroids, you don’t need to be training more than 5 days a week. You’ll struggle to recover)
There is a lot more detail and nuance to each of these points and likely other points that are slipping my mind right now but these are foundational.
If I went into detail on each of these, we would be here all day so feel free to do your own research into each point.
Drink More Water
Chances are you’re not drinking enough water.
Optimal hydration is around 50ml / KG of bodyweight or 25ml / lb of bodyweight.
This can change slightly depending on activity levels, climate etc.
I would also recommend getting a water filter and metal water bottle.
You want to avoid the crap that’s in tap water (using the water filter) and micro plastics from plastic water bottles (by drinking from a metal water bottle)
I would also recommend adding electrolytes to your water once or twice a day, especially if you sweat a lot.
Walk More
“Walking is mans best medicine” - Hippocrates
Walk more. Walk daily.
Few things are as good for mental clarity, ideas, activity levels and health.
It doesn’t have to be a strenuous walk, but so long as you’re aiming for the 7000-10,000+ steps / day mark you’re good.
Apply All Of The Above To Your Goals
There are plenty of free resources online to help you learn more about each step and also apply it to your goal.
If you have the finances, I would recommend hiring a good coach or personal trainer (emphasis on good). Even if only for a few months - so they can teach you the basics.
The main thing is that you learn all of this and then apply it.
Otherwise, it’s useless.
My friend, thank you for reading. If you’re not already spending time in the Iron Paradise, hopefully this email persuaded you to start.
- Ross “Pay Your Dues” Harkness
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