The Best Decision Making Framework (how to be more confident in your decisions)
Aug 18, 2023
Most people go through life, never making a confident decision.
Always worrying if they made the right choice, asking themselves “Maybe I should’ve chosen the other one?”.
For something that can seem so complicated and deep, it has a simple (sort of) solution.
It’s the “hell yeah or no” framework.
The framework is simple.
When faced with a decision, if your mind is not screaming “hell yeah, let’s do this” then it's automatically a “no”.
Any tiny doubt about any part of the decision and you say “no”.
Subconsciously, everyone knows the right decision for them.
The question is whether you’re in tune with your subconscious enough to hear it speaking to you.
Most people aren’t.
They end up defying their subconscious and making decisions that aren’t a “hell yeah”.
These decisions are never aligned with your values.
Your subconscious knows your values - even if you don’t.
It will run every decision by them and if it’s misaligned with them it’ll manifest as a seed of doubt - sometimes bigger than others - and your mind won’t scream “hell yeah”.
When you make these decisions, defying your internal compass, it eats you up inside (deep down, sometimes you won’t feel it.)
And eventually, it comes back round to bite you.
But, but, but…
Look, I get it.
Decisions aren’t always easy to make.
You might have FOMO (fear of missing out).
You’ll want to take every opportunity and never say “no” because you live in scarcity.
You don’t understand that new opportunities will come around again. Ones that align with your values and will be a “hell yeah”.
Plus, focus is powerful.
Do less, do it better, and you’ll get better results
Opportunities will come.
You might “never” be sure of the right choice - if you’re not sure, it’s a “no”.
If you’re not fully committed, you’ll not go all in on the decision.
Or maybe you don’t like to upset people?
Well, here’s the truth - they don’t care.
If they do, they’ll care for 5 minutes and then forget about it.
And in the rare case that they take it badly, they shouldn’t be in your life.
Your time is precious. Guard it.
For every decision, if it’s not a “hell yeah”, if you’re not fully committed, it’s a “no”.
Living by this will change your life.
Decisions become easy to make.
You become confident in your choices.
You make better decisions, aligned with your values, and that will benefit you more in the long term.
You’ll feel more fulfilled and live a better life.
This. Is. The. Way.
Value Discovery
Your subconscious will know your values.
But with using this “hell yeah” or “no” framework, it’ll help for you to be aware of them as well.
So, here’s how to define your values:
This involves you asking yourself a few questions, thinking deeply, and writing honestly.
What is a non-negotiable trait or principle you believe everyone should adopt?
When were you most fulfilled? Any values you can take from this time?
What do you value?
These are prompts. You can change them, use them, or alter them.
Their purpose is simply to get you thinking about what you value and what’s important to you.
The goal here is to get 3-5 values.
If you feel the urge, when answering the prompts, to write down 15-20 - do it.
But once you’re done, cut it down to the 3-5 most important.
Every time you’re faced with a tough decision, you can run the decision through both the “hell yeah or no” framework and your values.
If it’s not a hell yeah, I can guarantee it’s because it misaligns with your values and will dampen your pursuit of them.
I value:
Everything I do must align with at least 1 of these and not ruin my pursuit of the others.
If it dampens or negatively affects any of them, it’s a no.
If it improves at least 1 of them without negatively affecting any, it’s a yes.
Luckily, your subconscious already runs through this philosophy for you.
If it dampens any of your values, you won’t be sure of the decision, you’ll have doubts (even tiny ones) and it won’t be a hell yeah.
But now, since you know your values, you can run decisions through the framework and then figure out why it was or wasn’t a “hell yeah”.
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