How To Enjoy The Process (so you don't quit):
Jul 21, 2023
Before we dive in: MasteryOS is open for enrollment. There are limited spaces. If you want to achieve Self-Mastery, unlock your true potential, and smash every goal you set, click here.
We all have goals, dreams, and ambitions.
We all want to achieve them.
And we all want to achieve them faster.
But there’s a problem with trying to get to the end destination sooner:
You end up taking shortcuts. Cutting corners. Never giving or wanting to give the time, energy or sacrifice that both mastery and long-term success demand.
It creates a paradox.
It doesn’t matter what shortcut you take or what “trick” you use, when you try to get there faster you inevitably quit.
Because you can’t get there faster.
Some things can’t be rushed - mastery and success are 2 of them.
And since you’re trying to get there faster, you’re showing your lack of:
Understanding of delayed gratification
Hence when you one day wake up and decide you’ve had enough, that it’s taking too long, you’ll quit.
You’ll jump to the next opportunity and repeat the process.
You’ll never achieve mastery of anything. Never building something great. Forever giving in to shiny object syndrome
I used to do it all the time.
I’ve tried to build a copywriting business, FB ads agency, email marketing agency, ecom stores.
I tried to rush the process every time.
I failed every time.
The desire to cut corners and take short cuts will always come back to bite you.
Speed Vs Rushing
Look, I get it.
We have limited time on this earth.
You have pressures in your life, whether it’s bills, family, friends or anything else.
I get why you want to achieve your goals, dreams and ambitions as fast as possible.
But some things cannot be rushed.
They must be taken slowly. They must be given a level of effort, care and precision that can only come with time.
Is 5-10 years of sacrifice too much to unlock the keys to decades of your dream life?
And don’t get me wrong, you need to move with speed.
You need to act fast, make decisions fast and waste no time.
A lot of success comes down to speed.
But speed is different to rushing.
Rushing is careless. Rushing is cutting corners, taking shortcuts and motivated by a lack of discipline and boredom.
You end up half-assing everything and your quality drops.
You must move with speed and ferocity toward your goals but never rush your practice, work, or day.
Enjoy The Process
You’ve heard people say this before.
It’s become almost cliche.
But you need to enjoy the journey. You must relax into the work, the pressure and the process.
If you do, you’ll not quit.
You’ll not half-ass anything.
You’ll go all in, fully committed to getting the results, doing everything at as a high quality as possible, achieving mastery and building something great.
Stop trying to cut corners.
Stick to the long game, put in the work and enjoy it.
When you enjoy it, you don’t care how long it takes.
All you care about is producing the highest quality of whatever you’re doing.
Showing to the world your skill, your capabilities and your art.
Providing value above and beyond what is expected.
How To Enjoy The Process
It’s all well and good being told millions of times to enjoy the process.
But has anybody ever told you how?
Well motherfucker, that’s about to change.
Here’s how to enjoy the process:
Condition yourself for delayed gratification
You need to understand, appreciate and expect to put in the work now but not get results until later.
The only way to do that is to condition yourself for delayed gratification.
Most people are naturally good at this but they’ve been conditioned for instant gratification due to modern living.
I highly recommend doing a dopamine detox to fix this.
You can click here to get access to my free dopamine detox guide.
Choose your craft wisely
I ran a FB ads agency for close to a year.
It had all started to come together and I was signing clients, but I hated every second off it.
Hence, I closed it down.
It made me miserable.
You won’t be able to enjoy the process if you don’t enjoy what you do
So you need to choose your craft wisely.
To do this:
Life tap
This involves you journaling to create your Utopia (dream life), Nether, Identity and goals.
Consciously align your life with your Utopia, Identity and goals
With every decision you make and action you take (ie. choosing your craft), ask yourself if it aligns with your Utopia, identity and goals.
If it does, do it.
If it doesn’t, don’t.
Journal about the impact you want to make
What impact do you want to have on the world?
Who do you want to help? How do you want to help them?
Once you’ve done these 3 steps, find a craft that you’re interested in and ask yourself if it aligns with your utopia, identity and goals and if it will help you make the impact you want to make
If it does, try that craft.
If it doesn’t, try something else.
I go into this life tapping and conscious alignment system in much more detail with actionable steps and a hub to help you complete it in my Get Shit Done System.
As a subscriber, you can get 50% off my GSDS by clicking here.
Understand there will be resistance
It doesn’t matter how much you love what you do, there will be days you don’t want to do it.
There will be days you hate it.
This is resistance.
Expect it and be able to overcome it, understanding it’s a temporary feeling.
That it’s a sign from the universe that what you’re doing is important to you.
Relate the struggles and challenges of your craft to the results they create and the impact they make, not the pain.
For example, when you’re working out, you relate the pain of your muscle fibres being torn apart, not to the pain but to the results of growing your muscles and getting stronger.
You must do the same thing with your craft.
If you follow these 3 steps:
Condition yourself for delayed gratification
Choose your craft wisely
Expect resistance
You’ll enjoy the process.
My friend, I would love to know what you thought of this weeks Self-Mastery Letter. You can let me know by replying to this email.
- Ross “stop cutting fucking corners” Harkness
Before we dive in: MasteryOS is open for enrollment. There are limited spaces. If you want to achieve Self-Mastery, unlock your true potential, and smash every goal you set, click here.
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