How To Build A Life You Love
Sep 05, 2023
I’ve always had a problem with people telling me what to do.
It always lit a bit of a spark in me.
Maybe it was because I understood how short this life is and how I didn’t want to spend it having someone tell me when I could go home or go on vacation.
Or maybe I just have some deep-rooted problem with authority that I need to work through.
Either way, it’s largely the reason I’ve gone down the path of entrepreneurship.
I’m my boss.
I work on what I want, when I want.
I hit the gym when I want.
I walk when I want.
I travel when I want.
Nobody can tell me what to do - I’ve built a life I fucking love.
And it’s something I think we all deserve.
We all deserve to carve life around our wants, not what your boss wants.
And look, I’m not a 9-5 hater, I don’t think everyone should be an entrepreneur (although I believe everyone can), it’s just that I know the standard 9-5 wasn’t for me and therefore, it’s not for a lot of you reading this either.
So what can you do about it?
How can you build a life you love?
Craft your dream life
First off, to live a life you love, you need to figure out what you want in life.
I go over crafting your dream life in a previous newsletter, check it out here
Build an audience
Look, I'll be honest - you don't NEED to build an audience.
But it is by far the best way in a world shifting day-by-day towards the internet to combine business, leverage, and your own interests.
By now you should know that I’m a massive advocate of building a personal brand.
A few reasons
A business needs something to sell and someone to sell it to
With a personal brand, you’re building the people to sell to (whilst also helping them for free - a win-win).
You also get to ask these people what they need help with and build something that you KNOW will sell
It’s based around you
Your brand is based around you and your interests, as you post, you build an audience of people also interested in those areas.
It means you’re not tied down to a specific niche. We as people change, a personal brand can pivot and change with you.
Hence, you’ll never get tired or bored and you have endless opportunities to pursue your own curiosities.
It gives you options
Want to work 2-4 hours a day, and then spend the rest of your day walking, learning, sweating, or doing what you love? You can do that with a personal brand.
Want to work 16 hours a day and dedicate yourself to your work? You can do that with a personal brand.
Heck, if you want to mix it up and do both, you can.
Either way, a personal brand gives you the necessary leverage and resources to build a life you love both in terms of what you do and when you do it.
As for building your audience, that’s for another newsletter.
But the basics:
Choose a platform
I recommend X/Twitter.
You can post as much as you want without being penalised (therefore more data).
You build the skill of writing which will transfer to every other platform.
People who start on Twitter (such as myself) are able to go over to the likes of Instagram and grow rapidly.
People who start on the likes of Instagram rarely are able to do that.
Choose 3 main interests
You can talk about whatever you want, but make sure most of your content is around these 3 interests
Choose who you want to help
Create a target avatar and get clear on their problems.
Your content should be based on your interests and helping this avatar (who can be your past self)
Post every single day
Simple. Post daily. If you’re on Twitter, tweet at least 3 times a day.
Network daily
How fast you grow comes down to good content (so get good at creating - this will however take time and practice) and your network.
So start networking daily with people who you think are cool.
There’s a lot more that goes into social media growth, A LOT. But that’s the basic fundamentals that you can take action on immediately.
Build a business on the back of your audience
What problems does your audience have? Create something (eg. a course or coaching) and solve their problems
Through your content people will begin to know, like, and trust you. If they want to buy from you they will.
If not, all good, you’re still helping them for free with your content.
Move toward your dream life
Remember your dream life in step 1?
Every decision you make with your brand and business should push you toward it, building around your dream life.
If it doesn’t, don’t do it.
Commit to the long game
This isn’t something that will happen overnight.
It will take time to build your audience, launch your business, and actually move toward your dream life.
But if you do it right, follow the right path, commit yourself to the process, there’s no reason you can’t be working 2-4 hours/day on something that you’re passionate about and then spending the rest of it living a life you love in 1-3 years.
And as what you want to do with your time changes, this online education business model allows it to change.
You are your boss.
Your entire day is spent doing stuff you choose to do.
From the content you choose to create to the business, you choose to build to the hours you choose to work to where you choose to work from.
Your life is full of options.
You are in control.
- Ross.
When you’re ready, here’s how I can help you
Achieve Self-Mastery, unlock your true potential and smash every goal you set with MasteryOS
Learn how to build a multi 6-figure audience and business with Personal BrandBldr
As a subscriber, you can get 50% off my Get Shit Done Productivity System by clicking here
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