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I got complacent...

Apr 04, 2023

The Self-Mastery Letter #29

Afternoon mofo and welcome back to the latest edition of The Self Mastery Letter

I wanted to let you know that I’m working on something that is damn cool - keep an eye out for it soon.

This week, we’re going over:

  • The fastest route to self-mastery

  • What to do when your content performs well

Anyway, get a buzz cut, grab your popcorn, sit back, and enjoy;

PS: read to the bottom of this email to see what I’ve done to overcome complacency

Self Mastery Insight


I used to think self-mastery was the end product of self-improvement.

That to achieve self-mastery all I had to do was continue improving in each area of my life.

But I was using this as a crutch.

I was allowing myself to stay complacent.

I had convinced myself that my comfort was uncomfortable.

Read that again.

I had convinced myself that my comfort was uncomfortable.


And that’s exactly why self-mastery is not just the result of self-improvement.

I was continuing to improve my life, and progress in my self-improvement journey whilst being comfortable.

Whilst staying complacent.


And sure, I was doing all the habits, working out, deep work, journaling, reading, and meditation, but I was comfortable. 

I wasn’t trying anything new. I wasn’t pushing my limits.

You see, progress is still possible when you’re comfortable - if you’re comfortable doing all the right habits.

But for some of us, self-improvement isn’t enough. We strive for more. We push further. Run harder. Climb higher.

We have our sights set on self-mastery.


And self-mastery isn’t possible if comfort is in sight - no matter what habits you have.

If you’re comfortable in your training. If you’re comfortable in your work. If you’re comfortable in your running. If you’re comfortable in your meditation - self-mastery is off-limits.


Self-mastery involves full control of your mind.

It’s running in the lashing rain because that’s exactly when you don’t want to run.

It’s jumping in the ice bath when it’s snowing because that’s exactly when you don’t want to do it.

It’s meditating for 30 minutes over specific issues that are holding you back because that’s exactly what you don’t want to do.


The fastest way and in fact, the only route to self-mastery is through 2 things;

1) Daily mental challenge

2) Daily physical challenge


If you do 1 without the other, you’re comfortable. You’re complacent.

To be self-mastered you must challenge your limits.

Audience Building Insight


I got asked last week, what I do if a tweet performs well - now, surprisingly I don't just pat myself on the back, close the laptop and move to Bali.

I dissect it (not with a scalpel and plastic gloves, but you get the point)


If content does well, you want to replicate it.

It clearly hit home with your audience - whether it solved a pain point, verified beliefs, provided new insights or maybe you just made them laugh.

Either way, we want our audience to react the same way to more of your content.


So dissect it. Ask yourself a few questions;

• What's the topic?

• What's the format?

• How could I reword it?

• Can I go into more detail?

• What emotions do my word choices provoke?


Why these questions?

  • Knowing the topic allows you to create more content around that topic

  • The format allows you to see what format to replicate

  • Understanding how you could reword it allows you to recycle the same piece of content in the near future

  • Knowing if you can go into more detail allows you to expand on that piece of content into a thread, carousel, newsletter, etc

  • Understanding the emotions you evoke allows you to pull on those heartstrings in the future


I have a finance degree (yes this is related don’t worry)

I’m very numbers-based, data-driven and analytical about everything I do

So my idea behind content is simple;

Collect data. Analyse it. Implement.

Numbers don’t lie.


PS: if you’re wondering how I know if content performs well I use a grading system.

  1. Track 30-day moving averages for likes, profile visits, impressions

  2. If a tweet gets above the 30-day moving average in all 3 areas, it’s a grade A

  3. If it gets above only 2 areas, it’s a grade B

  4. If it gets above only 1 area, it’s a grade C

  5. If it flops and doesn’t get above any areas, it’s a grade D

When you’re ready, here’s how you can work with me:


Click here to enroll in my Personal BrandBldr course: Learn the proven strategies & systems to build your audience, impact & income


Click here to apply for my Impact & Income coaching: A lifetime access coaching program that guarantees audience & income growth

As you probably guessed with my content this past week, I feel as if I’ve been complacent for the past while, so I;

  • Started running (I hate running)

  • Switched up my training style in the gym(to push my mind and body to it’s limits)

  • I buzzed off all my hair

  • I stopped writing my newsletters in my dressing gown (okay this mightn’t be true)

Reply to this email with what you’re going to change to stop being complacent.

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